Effective exercises for weight loss abdomen and hips
Exercise is very useful for the body because:
- strengthen immunity;
- improve the work of cardiovascular system;
- increase strength, endurance;
- reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of depression and apathy, because during exercise activates the production of "happiness hormone" — serotonin;
- intensively supply the cells with oxygen;
- stimulate the brain, improve concentration, persistence, tendency to learning;
- reduces insomnia, making sleep more than a high-quality, deep;
- slows down the aging processes of cells and tissues;
- normalize the metabolism;
- strengthen the muscle corset, improves the posture of your body.
The main thing — to pick up an individual set of exercises that matches the abilities, health status. People with a big enough excess weight, for example, many types of fitness contraindicated because they can cause injuries to the knees and the lower part of the back, increased blood pressure and more. In this case, as the exercise is ideal easy walking distance. Scientifically proven that walking for 30-40 minutes a day significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, contributes to the improvement of well-being, increases the overall tone of the body.
The reasons of occurrence of excess fat

Fat in the abdominal area and hips can accumulate for a variety of reasons:
- Problems with health. The excess inches in the waist area may be indicative of the presence of various diseases, as well as visceral fat, what Is? — fat around the internal organs, which prevents the normal functioning of the systems.
- The incorrect way of life: sedentary work, the abundance of fatty foods, fast food, lack of sleep — all of which can be the cause of excess fat. This is how?
- Psychological factors: inability to cope with different life circumstances, the habit of "jam" stress, is for the company helena out of boredom.
Overweight appear in one or more of the reasons at the same time, and so in an effective fight against excess pounds need a comprehensive approach: work with a psychologist on the formation of correct eating habits, exercise and proper nutrition.
Where to start training?
Exercises should be done regularly, at least three times a week, then only manage to get visible results. Each session was divided into two parts: cardio and strength.
Cardio-exercises help the body to cheer up, to prepare for the upcoming load, in addition:
- contribute to speed up the metabolism;
- reduces the level of cortisol — this is the so-called "stress hormone", whose excess often leads to overeating and breakdown, sleep disorders;
- improve activity of cardiovascular and respiratory system, increases endurance;
- actively burn calories, when compared with the other, the power part of the lesson.
Cardio workouts should include intense exercise, quickly change each other, so that the body is not the time to get used to. You can alternate jumping and running with high lifting of the thigh, squats and lunges. Optimally, make this part lasted less than 20 minutes, and for weight reduction will be useful to organize a complete cardio workout 2-3 times a week for 40-60 minutes. Even the active pedestrian walking at a fast pace, will be an excellent choice.
Set of exercises for burning fat
Currently in the world of fitness actively used the so-called interval training according to the different systems. They are recognized experts the most effective: one type of load power, so the body does not have time to get used to it, constantly working on the border, actively burns calories. Such training strengthens the muscles, cardiovascular system and the respiratory system, improves metabolism, accelerates the synthesis of protein.
Such exercises include three basic groups of exercises:
- Aerobic exercise: run, bike, fast walk, jump rope, jumping, dancing. Increase the heart rate, stimulates sweating, helping the body to warm up, prepare for the next part.
- Strength: the twisting, lamela, tarps, extension of the legs. They are designed to strengthen the muscles.
- Gymnastics helena stretching — the final stage of training, which helps to relax, restore breathing and heartbeat.
Women for weight loss may come to yoga, asanas (movement, exercise), in which continuously in succession, contribute to calming the short-term, reduction of stress, but well enough developing the main muscle groups. Perform it is possible to at home and a mat to replace an ordinary towel.
Running helena walking

Running helena walking — what to choose for weight loss? The majority of people most likely to say that the first option is definitely in the lead. A relaxing walk for many seems to be a common activity, which could not support the burning of fat. Is it so? Explain the basic differences:
- Walking helps to strengthen the calf muscles, running — chest, back, shoulder girdle, hips, thighs and buttocks.
- When jogging a person is experiencing a "phase of flight", which causes a big enough shock load to the spine, joints. In walking this stage, no.
- Walking is safe, what is not, so on the run, which significantly increases the likelihood of injuries and various diseases due to the increased load on the heart, respiratory system, spine, joints.
Running and walking are affected differently by each person. If the health problems you have, jog provide moral and physical pleasure, then for weight loss it is better to choose it. If they have problems with the cardiovascular system, spine, joints helena each output on the jog causes moral discomfort, then walking — the best choice. To walk in such a case, it is appropriate to at least an hour, hold a fast enough pace, the daily standard will move in the order of 8000-10000 thousand steps, helena 5-7 miles — this is a recipe for longevity, a good remedy for many diseases.
Exercise strap
Exercise "planck" fitness instructors is rightly considered a classic, because it uses almost all major muscle groups:
- lis: uses direct, oblique abdominal muscles;
- spin: there is strengthening of the lower part of the back, the correction of the posture of your body;
- large pectoral, deltoid muscle;
- the gluteus minimus;
- quads;
- the calf;
- the hips and thighs.
When performing the exercise "plank" occurs a uniform distribution of the load on all muscle groups, thanks to this and ensured efficiency. In addition, the correct performance of the missing load on the knee joints, so the bar is accessible for people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system, but only after consultation with a doctor and under the guidance of an experienced fitness instructor.
ClassicClassic trim refers to the isometric group exercise: when done properly, is missing the burden on the joints, the body remains motionless, statically set. It has two variants:
- - The emphasis on direct hands. This option is the easiest, is available to beginners, because the load falls on your feet.
- The emphasis on the elbows. Hold the situation is more complicated because the weight is distributed evenly between all of the reference points: the forearm, the knee, the muscles of the legs. Will require a lot of effort to keep the body in the same position.
For meet it is necessary to take the emphasis on direct hands helen the elbows, as for push-ups. The body should be elongated in a straight line. Exercise has a second name — "the board", which accurately describes the essence of the position: there should be deflections in the lower part of the back, buttocks, legs, straightened his knees tightened. This provision should be postponed for a period of 20-30 seconds, during which reflected all the muscle groups, it is also possible, the formation of the slight tremor in helen a feeling of warmth — all this testifies to the correctness of the implementation. The bar easily perform at home, it does not require special equipment helena forms.
SideSidebar-enables the muscles of the waist and hips. It is also possible to conduct from relying on the direct hand and elbow, and the sequence is as follows:
- occupy the position of how to the classic moldings;
- to deploy the sheath at 90 degrees by sustainable position: one hand rests on the ground, mat, other necessary to lift up;
- stretch the whole body in one line, which should appear sense of tension in the waist area, the lateral muscles of the torso;
- lock the position for 20-30 seconds.
Sidebar requires control of balance and equilibrium, improves coordination, concentration, attention.
Woman happens, it is not easy to achieve a flat stomach in the validity of the anatomical features: for bearing the child's need sufficient fat layer. But in most cases, of course, being overweight — a consequence of improper nutrition, lack of physical activity and mental health problems. The main thing — time for yourself, and you can start from simple exercises — twisting.
There are several kinds:
- Classic.
- Backlinks (helena an increase in the feet).
- Oblique — the "elbow-knee".
You can perform them at home, using only the pad of helena in the gym, with the use of special equipment. Consider the technique of read more further in the section "Exercises lying down on the floor".
Respiratory gymnastics
Recent advanced acquired respiratory gymnastics, which guarantees, that with it you can remove the hanging belly, the hips for a short period of time. It can be used as a supplement to the poses of yoga helena regular fitness to strengthen the work of the respiratory system. In addition, these exercises can be used both as a meditation, relaxation, calming, can be a good weapon to fight with stress.
But in all this, every normal person should understand that the safely and without harm to health to remove the hanging belly is possible only with the help of regular exercise, calorie deficit, change in eating habits, and details of breathing techniques give you somewhat speed up the process.
Jump rope
Jumps with a rope, — is a good choice to start and complete exercises that help the body to get up, stretch and warm up before the strength part of it. In addition, regular jumping:
- improve coordination ;
- help to support the cardiovascular system;
- strengthen the lungs and airways;
- correct posture of your body.
Enough 3-5 minutes before and after training, to enhance teaching effectiveness. The only thing — jumping on the rope contraindicated for people with diseases of the heart and the spine, women in period of menstruation, pregnancy and also at a high degree of obesity.
A gymnastic hoop
Another relatively common in women way to reduce the volume in the abdominal area and waist — exercises with the use of special gymnastic hoop — hula. He is really able to help, but his actions would have a local — leave a few inches of the area of the torso, all other zones will remain.
In addition, it is not a strengthens the muscles, but only provides a massaging effect, contributes to the outflow of lymph circulation. Hula hooping can leave bruises and welts on the skin, it all depends on its weight and the quality of the rubber, from which it is made.
Exercise with a hula Hoop contraindicated for women in the critical days and of pregnancy, when of gynecological diseases, the presence of the skin rash, itching.
The sails help to strengthen the lateral muscles of the abdomen and waist. This is a simple but quite effective exercise, familiar to many from the periods of study in high school. The technique of execution is the following:
- the starting position in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart;
- on the exhale it is necessary to lift the right zika up and tilt to the left, as if pushing the left hip;
- on the inhale return to the starting position;
- as you exhale to twist to the other side.
For greater effect can be taken into the hands of dumbbells of 0.5-1.5 kg, helena laid down on the wrist weights. It is again in the work of the muscles of the Quad, biceps, chest and back.
Expert opinion

Experienced fitness instructors speaks directly: it's not worth it to trust the tempting photos from the category "before and after", the mythical assessment, which promised to deepen the pump up your butt helena do the dice lisa for 10 days. Work over the body — is a long-term process, which combines not only regular exercise but also proper nutrition, work with psychology. Already explained this procedure, see above. Restrictions in eating and consuming economy class will not give results if a person is not able to cope with stress, still jam hard life situations and problems, helen is always in company with all the household.
Therefore, for high-quality, competent losing weight without harm to health, both physical and psychological, it is better to turn to professionals weight loss clinics. Only they will be able to approach to address the problem comprehensively, to choose a method that is without difficulty fit into the life of and securely gripped, will become a part of it.